SEO, science or magic?

In the Battle of top ranking, laws govern the development of a website.

Google, Bing, …  and Facebook have their own algorithms, that are kept secret. And I’m quite sure some of us would like to have a beer with the « secret-keeper »! Search Engines provide guidelines but what is inside the core of their engines…. This is a kind of Magic!

Now, as far as we can measure the audience and activity around the web; then, we can extract data that is analyzed and confirms guidelines. This is science!

Today (2013), 67%  search on the web are performed through Google. Bing’s share being 17% according to comscore. Optimizing a website for search engines will imply a work on Google in the first place.

The impact of social networks with more than 1 billion active users on facebook according to yahoo! is increasing every year. I advise my customers to create a facebook page.


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